How Love Without Sound helps the music industry recover millions in revenue for artists with NLP, spaCy and ProdigyA case study on Love Without Sound’s innovative AI-powered tools for the music industry and law firms specializing in royalty negotiations.
Extracting Structured Information from Greek Legislation DataAlexios (2023)Worth noting is the existence of an application, called Prodigy, which takes advantage of an active learning framework and provides users with an interactive interface for data annotation.
More than a Million Pro-Repeal Net Neutrality Comments were Likely FakedHackernoonAnalysis of net neutrality comments by Jeff Kao using spaCy for word vectors.
Simply Simplify LanguageInteractive app by the Canton of Zurich, Switzerland, using LLMs and spaCy to analyze and simplify institutional communication and make bureaucratic German more inclusive.
How We Found Pricey Provisions in New Jersey Police ContractsProPublicaProPublica and the Asbury Park Press scoured hundreds of police union agreements for details on publicly funded payouts to cops, using spaCy under the hood.
Microsoft Presidio v2.2.352Context aware, pluggable and customizable PII de-identification and anonymization service for text and images, featuring a spaCy back-end.
Concepts and measures of bureaucratic constraints in European Union laws from hand-coding to machine-learningFranchino, Migliorati, Pagano, Vignoli (2023)The models “learn” the relations between the text tokens and the entity categories from two randomly selected samples of sentences that are extracted from a pre-processed corpus and have been manually annotated using the Python-implemented platform “Prodigy”.
What 1.2 million parliamentary speeches can teach us about gender representationThe PuddingAnalysis of parliamentary speeches using spaCy.